Kayla & Eric’s Mystic Engagement Shoot

Kayla and Eric’s Mystic engagement session was one we will never forget! We were taking photos on the docks near some boats when a nice gentleman asked us if we wanted to take pictures on their boat! We gladly said yes and climbed aboard a beautiful ship to take their engagement photos! They are some of our favorite pictures to date. How often do you get to take pictures on a boat!? Even their outfits matched the nautical theme!

Right at the end of the session, Kayla and Eric remembered they left a bottle of champagne in the car, so Eric ran to get it (cue the photo of Eric to the rescue, running with champagne!) We have never seen someone so enthusiastic about spraying champagne, Eric had the whole bottle pretty much empty by the time he was done! We just know he is going to be a fun groom to hang with on their wedding day!

After their session, Kayla and Eric were going to head home. We asked them if they had ever been to Mystic before, and they said they had not, so we asked them to join us for a drink at Bravo Bravo (one of our favorite Mystic restaurants!) We sat and talked about their wedding plans, what they have been up to, and about our own wedding day!

Kayla and Eric are one of our many adventurous couples, we say it over and over, why are our couples so cool!? You can find these two anywhere in the mountains, as they love hiking and skiing. Kayla recently hiked for a 20 day span in California on the John Muir Trail, and Eric goes mountain biking often! He loves mountain biking so much, he mentioned he would love to have a group from their rehearsal dinner go mountain biking the day before their wedding. We jokingly suggested to hold off just incase, as we are sure nobody wants to be in an arm in a cast for the wedding!

Zac and Eric started talking about brands as the guys are both into similar clothing styles. They started showing each other their favorite brand’s websites and we swear we talked about men’s clothing for a good half an hour! You would think it would be the girls, but Kayla and Shelby discussed their weddings, and Kayla’s plans after nursing school, like where they want to honeymoon!

Kayla and Eric, we are so excited to photograph your wedding up in Vermont! Thank you for joining us for drinks and hanging out! It was so fun!


Shelby & Zachary


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